HEALTHdrum Blog - Health Insurances

Insurances Controlling Patients, Employers and Doctors

Healthcare is an insurance industry monopoly that profits at everybody's expense
Insurances Controlling Patients, Employers and Doctors The health insurance industry controls patients, employers, and doctors by gaming the business of health benefits. Healthcare is an insurance industry monopoly that through scare tactics and misrepresentations has fooled everyone – including governments and the...

Junk Health Plans

Healthcare that needs attention
Junk Health Plans The health insurance industry is in the business of making money – not covering your health problems. In fact generally, the more “affordable”, the greater the “advantage”, the “better” the deal, the “cheaper” the plan, the less you get covered. The health...

Junk Science and Junk Healthcare

Defrauding the public and committing health robbery
Junk Science and Junk Healthcare Junk science describes so-called scientific information that isn’t supported by undisputed facts. Junk healthcare describes healthcare management and treatments that are not supported by evidence-based data despite being labelled as standard-of-care. Both junk science...

Health Insurance Sickens Healthcare

Health insurance is broken and needs a cure
Health Insurance Sickens Healthcare Healthcare is a terminal illness for America’s governments and businesses – Clayton Christensen, “The Innovator’s Prescription”.  Health insurance for catastrophic care makes sense. Health insurance emerged in the 1920s and makes sense to hedge against the cost...

Why Let Your Health Insurance Plan Play Doctor?

When your doctor says yes but your insurance plan says no
Why Let Your Health Insurance Plan Play Doctor? The health insurance industry has stripped the autonomy of doctors, patients and employers. Routine office-based care is affordable. Sadly, both patients and employers are generally over insured and over pay because the health insurance industry is the only insurance...