Making High Deductible Plans More Attractive
for your EmployeesSave by offering high deductible plans
while helping your employees stretching
their deductible dollar with discounts for great helthcare.CASH PRICE CARE PUTS YOU IN CONTROL AND SAVES MONEY.

Benefits of Free Market Healthcare for Routine Care
- Cut health costs by moving health benefits to high-deductible plans or true catastrophic care plans.
- HSA/HRA/FSA contributions or alternatives help offset employee out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.
- HSA/HRA/FSA usage by employees incentivizes them to budget for and manage routine healthcare costs.
- Customer directed care encourages the adoption of preventive care practices and healthy lifestyle choices.
- No controlling networks.
- Limits the wrangling and comparing of health plans that are confusing by design.
- Limits burdensome health plan rules.
- Abandons need for tiering of health benefits into different price classes.
- Part-time employees and gig workers get access to affordable, as-needed, cost transparent care.
Download Info Sheet
Here's how it works
1. Search for
Doctors, Tests,
2. Compare
Cash Price
3. Request
4. Cash Pay
and Save

See What Your Peers Say

HEALTHdrum adds flexibility and healthcare options to your benefits package. More costly and catastrophic care can still go through insurance. Download our Info Sheet and show your team how self pay for routine care cuts health plan control and costs.
Because of deductibles, copays and restrictions most employees still have considerable out-of-pocket expenses even for routine care
Sign them up for HEALTHdrum to help stretch their deductible dollars with discounts and strategies
Help other save and get great care with discounted pricing

More ways to invite your colleagues