Less Friction, Better MarginsMost patients never meet their deductibles
Help more patients with discounts for cash pay healthcareENJOY HASSLE-FREE CASH PAY WHILE BENEFITING PATIENTS

Why connect with HEALTHdrum?
By working with HEALTHdrum, the self pay market and self-funded employers, you can make better margins fast, cut overhead and bypass red tape. You can also continue to help those with health plans.Post your costsQuick pay
Less overhead
No third party payor claims review
EconomicalNo referrals
No pre-authorizations
No second opinion needs
StreamlinedNo complex coding needs
No artificial rules
No denials
Here's how it works
1. Search for
Doctors, Tests,
2. Compare
Cash Price
3. Request
4. Cash Pay
and Save

See What Your Peers Say

Who can connect with HEALTHdrum?
Physicians/DOs, specialists, urgent care Imaging, laboratories, rehab centers Physician assistants, nurse practitioners Dentists, podiatrists, chiropractors, optometrists, audiologists and many othersBe a provider in 3 easy steps
Create an account
List the services
you wish to offer
with a fixed cost
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Let's work together and bring routine healthcare back to being between just the doctor and the patient
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