HEALTHdrum Blog - Cash pay

Direct Pay Healthcare

A Fresh Approach to Routine Care Direct Pay Healthcare In today’s convoluted world of health insurance and medical bureaucracy, many are searching for simpler, more transparent methods of accessing care. Enter “Direct Pay Healthcare,” a model that is swiftly gaining traction and heralding a new era in...

Employer Health Benefits

Self-Funded and High-Deductible Plans Employer Health Benefits Employer Health Benefit Costs In the evolving landscape of healthcare, employers face a pressing challenge: how to offer comprehensive health benefits while keeping costs in check. Traditional health insurance plans, though once a benchmark, are becoming a thorn in...

Independent Providers

Restoring the Power of Providers Independent Providers Healthcare pricing, access, and delivery are unnecessarily complex, often tangled in a web of insurance plans, unclear pricing, and uncertain appointments. However, a growing movement in the healthcare sector is championing a return to simplicity and clarity. The...