Employer Health Benefits
Self-Funded and High-Deductible Plans
Employer Health Benefit Costs In the evolving landscape of healthcare, employers face a pressing challenge: how to offer comprehensive health benefits while keeping costs in check. Traditional health insurance plans, though once a benchmark, are becoming a thorn in...
Independent Providers
Restoring the Power of Providers
Healthcare pricing, access, and delivery are unnecessarily complex, often tangled in a web of insurance plans, unclear pricing, and uncertain appointments. However, a growing movement in the healthcare sector is championing a return to simplicity and clarity. The...
Is Healthcare a Need, Right or a Privilege?
Is Universal coverage healthy?
The discourse in healthcare often revolves around one primary question: Is healthcare a right? This question, however, tends to oversimplify the complexity of healthcare and its various implications. So, might it be more appropriate to regard healthcare as a need...
8 Ways for Employers to Cut Health Insurance Costs
How businesses can reshape health benefits
The purpose of insurance is to mitigate the risk of an unlikely or costly event. In contrast, the health insurance industry has torpedoed the very purpose and benefit of insurance by exploiting the coverage of generally affordable, routine healthcare. A blueprint that...
How Employers Can Control Health Insurance Costs
Health insurance alternatives for employers
Control health insurance costs and move benefits to more affordable high-deductible plans for unlikely major medical problems. Having employees self pay for affordable routine care with or without HSAs can save small business owners hundreds of dollars. Visit...
Employer Benefits of Self Pay for Routine Healthcare
Lower healthcare benefit expenses
Employers spend about $20,000 per five member family for a year’s worth of health insurance coverage. However, after factoring in co-pays, deductibles, pre-existing exclusions and noncovered services most of their employees are paying for their day-to-day...