The Gleason 6 prostate “cancer” fails to act as cancer.

Despite low-power microscopic appearances suggesting a mild cancer, the very common Gleason grade 3 as in the Gleason 3+3 = 6 “cancer” fails to act like a cancer. Only some high-grade prostate cancers are potentially lethal and responsible for about 30,000 U.S. deaths annually.

  • Gleason mistakenly labelled the grade 3 as a cancer to make the Gleason 3+3= 6 or, G6 a “cancer”. However, L. Klotz MD and others determined that the Gleason grade 3 lacked the hallmarks of a cancer on both clinical and molecular biology grounds.  
  • About 50 percent of 50 year-old-men have unrecognized and asymptomatic areas of G6 disease in their prostate.
  • The prevalence of G6 increases with age.
  • That the G6 fails to evolve and harm men suggests that the grade 3 is simply part of the aging process.
  • The unfortunate men who were treated for Gleason 6 disease are survivors of their treatment and not survivors of their bogus cancer.
  • All prostate cancer statistics that include the G6 disease as a cancer are false.
  • There is no justification for continuing to call the Gleason 6 either a cancer or a low-risk cancer.
  • Because of this knowledge the G6 doesn’t need diagnosis or treatment.
  • Both the Gleason label and cancer label need to be dropped from grade 3 disease.

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Written by HEALTHdrum