HEALTHdrum Blog

Is Healthcare a Right or a Privilege? 

Universal healthcare, national healthcare, single payer or free healthcare?
Is Healthcare a Right or a Privilege?  At first blush, it would seem correct that healthcare is a right. However, on reflection it is clearly not an easy answer. Let’s examine. What is healthcare? Healthcare is a combination of two issues, health and care.   Health is a state of being free from illness or...

What is Depression?

What is mental health?
What is Depression? Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness, hopelessness and loss of interest. There are several types and they can be of varying severity. Feeling down or having the “blues” is extremely common but, should your mood disorder become more severe and uninterrupted...

What is HPV (Human Papillomavirus)?

The most commonly sexually transmitted virus
What is HPV (Human Papillomavirus)? HPV is a very common sexually transmitted virus. Most people don’t even know they have it or, from whom they contracted it. There are many types of HPV infections. There are low-risk and high-risk type HPVs. Some HPV types cause genital warts. Some HPV types cause...

Medical Tourism with HEALTHdrum

Health tourism to and within the U.S.
Medical Tourism with HEALTHdrum Medical tourism and traveling overseas to receive medical care can be risky. HEALTHdrum’s platform for affordable cash price care allows you to stay within the U.S. for your treatment. HEALTHdrum offers two categories of medical tourism. Domestic medical tourism ...

The HEALTHdrum Guide to Cash Price Healthcare

Reclaiming control of your healthcare
The HEALTHdrum Guide to Cash Price Healthcare Healthcare pricing commonly reflects inflated insurance-based costs. Insurance-based pricing and greater costs don’t mean better quality of care. Even with health insurance you are often better off paying for your routine care than using your insurance plan. At least...