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Top Cash Pay Healthcare Services
Initial visitNew patient visit-cardiologyNew patient visit-family medicineNew patient visit-nephrologyNew patient visit-rheumatologyInitial visit with - chiropracticNew patient - Anesthesia pain careNew patient - dermatologyNew patient visit - Unique InterventionalNew patient - podiatryInitial visit - endocrinologyInitial/new patient visit - cardiology (includes EKG, LAT and PA x-rays)New patient - orthopedicsTelemedicine initial visit - endocrinologyNew patient - NeurologyNew patient visit - ophthalmologyNew patient/biopsychsocial intake - PsychologyNew patient breast cancer consultNew patient visit - breast surgeonNew patient visit - plastic surgeryNew patient visit-pulmonaryNew patient-oncology/hematologyInitial visit - Ob/Gyn for particular problemInitial/new patient visit - InternistNew patient - dermatologyNew patient - Ob/GynInitial or new patient visit - GastroenterologyInitial or new patient visit - urologyTelemedicine - new patient - urologyInitial or new patient visit - hand surgeonnew patient office visitAnnual physical exam - Initial visitInitial Visit - Includes X-raysInitial visit - with labsInitial visit - without labsInitial or new patient visit - chronic painNew patient evaluation - neurosurgeryFollow up visit-cardiologyFollow up visit - neurosurgeryFollow up visit-family medicineFollow up visit-nephrologyFollow up visit - Anesthesia pain careFollow up visit-rheumatologyFollow up visit - dermatologyfollow up visit or established patientFollow up visit - hand surgeonFollow up visit - podiatryPhysical/occupational therapy follow up - hand surgeonFollow up - orthopedicsFollow up visit - endocrinologyFollow up visit - includes office tests - ophthalmologyFollow up visit - NeurologyFollow up visit - PsychologyFollow up visit - plastic surgeryFollow up visit - breast surgeonFollow up visit-oncology/hematologyFollow up visit-pulmonaryFollow up visitTelemedicine - follow up-family practice.Follow up visit - dermatologyFollow up visit or established patient - urologyFollow up visit - cardiologyTelemedicine follow up visit - endocrinologyUS, PELVIS; LIMITED OR FOLLOW-UP, SINGLE ORGANFollow up visit - Ob/Gyn established patient - w/ PAPFollow up visit - Ob/Gyn established patient - w/o PAPFollow up visit - Ob/Gyn established patient - w/ ultrasoundFollow up visit - without labsFollow up visit - with labsFollow up visitCT, FOLLOW-UP OR LIMITED LOCALIZED STUDYAndrostenedione, serumAnti-Cardiolipin Ab (IgG, IgM, IgA)Anti-Cardiolipin Antibody IgGAnti-Cardiolipin Antibody IgMAnti-Ovarian Ab., AOAAnti-Phosphatidylethanolamine IgG,IgM,IgAAnti-Sperm (16) Antibodies IgA and IgGAntibody Screen RBCAntithrombin III ActivityAntithrombin III AgArsenic, BloodArsenic, Random Urine with reflex to fractionatedAST (SGOT)Bacterial Cult. - Source: Semen, Genital, ThroatBilirubin, DirectBilirubin, TotalBill Capillary ElectrophoresisBlood Chromosome AnalysisBMPBUNCA 125Calcium TotalCalcium, Ionized, SerumCancer Antigen 125Cancer Antigen 27.29DTAP vaccineCancer Antigen-Breast (CA 15-3)Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)Cardiolipin Antibody IgGCardiolipin Antibody IgMCBC w/Diff /PltChlamydia Ab Panel. IgG/IgMChly. Trac Panel IgG IgM PanelCholesterol, TotalChromosome AnalysisCMP (14) Comprehensive Metabolic ProfileCMP (16) Comprehensive Metabolic ProfileCMV DNA Qn PCR (Cytomegalovirus)CMV lgMX-RAY, CHEST, 2 VIEWSX-RAY, SINUSES, PARANASAL, LESS THAN 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SKULL; COMPLETE, MIN OF 4 VIEWSX-RAY, SKULL; LESS THAN 4 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE, CERVICAL; 2 OR 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE, CERVICAL; COMPLETE + OBLIQUE, FLEX AND/OR EXTX-RAY, SPINE, CERVICAL; MIN OF 4 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE, LUMBOSACRAL; 2 OR 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE, LUMBOSACRAL; COMPLETE with BENDING VIEWS, MIN OF 6 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE, LUMBOSACRAL; MIN OF 4 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE, SINGLE VIEW, SPECIFY LEVELX-RAY, TEETH; PARTIAL EXAMINATION, LESS THAN FULL MOUTHX-RAY, TEETH; SINGLE VIEWX-RAY, TMJ JOINT, OPEN AND CLOSED MOUTH; BILATERALX-RAY, TMJ JOINT, OPEN AND CLOSED MOUTH; UNILATERALX-RAY, WRIST; COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY; AC JOINTS, BILATERAL, WITH OR WITHOUT WEIGHTSX-RAY; CALCANEUS, MIN OF 2 VIEWSX-RAY; CLAVICLE, COMPLETEX-RAY; FOREARM, 2 VIEWSX-RAY; LOWER EXTREMITY, INFANT, MIN OF 2 VIEWSX-RAY; NECK, SOFT TISSUEX-RAY; ORBITS, COMPLETE, MIN OF 4 VIEWSX-RAY; SCAPULA, COMPLETEX-RAY; STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT OR JOINTS, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY; STERNUM, MIN OF 2 VIEWSX-RAY; TIBIA AND FIBULA, 2 VIEWSX-RAY; UPPER EXTREMITY, INFANT, MIN OF 2 VIEWSFLUORO; PHARYNX OR LARYNXFLUORO; PHARYNX AND/OR CERVICAL ESOPHAGUSFLUORO; ESOPHAGUSFLUORO UPPER GI W/WO GLUCAGON/DELAY FILMS W/O KUBFLUORO UPPER GI W/WO GLUCAGON/DELAY FLMS W/KUBFLUORO UPPER GI W/WO GLUCOSE W/SM INTEST FOLLW-THRUFLUORO, CYSTOGRAPHY, MIN 3 VIEWSFLUORO, DUAL CONTRAST ENEMA, WITH OR WITHOUT GLUCAGONFLUORO, HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAMFLUORO, SINGLE CONTRAST ENEMA, WITH OR WITHOUT KUBFLUORO, SMALL INTESTINE, INCLUDES MULTIPLE IMAGESFLUORO, SMALL INTESTINE, INCLUDES MULTIPLE IMAGES; VIA ENTEROCLYSIS TUBEFLUORO, TOMO, SINGLE PLANE BODY SECTION (NOT UROGRAPHY)FLUORO, UPPER GI; WITH OR WITHOUT DELAYED FILMS, WITH KUBFLUORO, UPPER GI; WITH SMALL INTESTINE, INCLUDES MULTIPLE IMAGESIVP WITHOUT NEPHROTOMOGRAPHYUROGRAPHY, INFUSION, DRIP TECHNIQUE/BOLUS TECHNIQUE; WITH TOMOUROGRAPHY, INTRAVENOUS, WITH OR WITHOUT KUB, WITH OR WITHOUT TOMOUS, OB, BIOPHYSICAL PROFILEUS, OB, FETAL HEART BEAT; ONE OR MORE FETUSESUS, OB, GREATER THAN 14 WEEKS; EACH ADDTL GESTATIONUS, OB, GREATER THAN 14 WEEKS; ONE GESTATIONUS, OB, GREATER THAN 18 WEEKS; ONE GESTATIONUS, OB, TRANSVAGINALUS, PELVIS; COMPLETEUS, RENAL, IMAGING AND DUPLEX DOPPLER; TRANSPLANTUS, RETROPERITONEAL; COMPLETEUS, RETROPERITONEAL; LIMITEDUS, SCROTUM AND CONTENTS (TESTICULAR)US, SOFT TISSUE HEAD AND NECKUS, SPINAL CANALUS, TRANSRECTALUS, TRANSVAGINALX-RAY, ABDOMEN, 1 VIEWX-RAY, ABDOMEN, 2 VIEWSX-RAY, ABDOMEN; COMPLETE ACUTE ABDOMEN SERIESX-RAY, ANKLE; 2 VIEWSX-RAY, ANKLE; COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, BONE AGE STUDYX-RAY, BOTH KNEES, STANDING, AP ONLYX-RAY, CHEST, 3 VIEWSX-RAY, CHEST,SINGLE VIEWX-RAY, ELBOW; COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, EYE, FOR DETECTION OF FOREIGN BODYX-RAY, FACIAL BONES; COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, FACIAL BONES; LESS THAN 3 VIEWSX-RAY, FEMUR; 1 VIEWX-RAY, FEMUR; MIN 2 VIEWSX-RAY, FOOT; 2 VIEWSIGF-1X-RAY, FOOT; COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, HAND; 2 VIEWSX-RAY, HAND; MIN OF 3 VIEWSPROCEDURE, GALACTOGRAM, MULTIPLE DUCTSX-RAY, HIP, BIILATERAL, WITH OR WITHOUT PELVIS; 3-4 VIEWSX-RAY, HIP, BIILATERAL, WITH OR WITHOUT PELVIS; MIN of 5 VIEWSX-RAY, HIP, UNILATERAL, WITH OR WITHOUT PELVIS; 1 VIEWX-RAY, HIP, UNILATERAL, WITH OR WITHOUT PELVIS; 2-3 VIEWSX-RAY, HIP, UNILATERAL, WITH OR WITHOUT PELVIS; MIN of 4 VIEWSX-RAY, JOINT SURVEY, SINGLE VIEW, 2 OR MORE JOINTS (SPECIFY)X-RAY, KNEE; 1 OR 2 VIEWSX-RAY, KNEE; COMPLETE, 4 OR MORE VIEWSX-RAY, MANDIBLE; COMPLETE, MIN OF 4 VIEWSX-RAY, MANDIBLE; PARTIAL, LESS THAN 4 VIEWSX-RAY, MASTOIDS; LESS THAN 3 VIEWS PER SIDEX-RAY, NASAL BONES, COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, OSSEOUS SURVEY, INFANTX-RAY, OSSEOUS SURVEY; COMPLETE (AXIAL AND APPENDICULAR SKELETON)X-RAY, OSSEOUS SURVEY; LIMITEDX-RAY, PELVIS; 1 OR 2 VIEWSX-RAY, PELVIS; COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, RIBS, BILATERAL; 3 VIEWSX-RAY, RIBS, UNILATERAL; 2 VIEWSX-RAY, RIBS, UNILATERAL; WITH PA CHEST, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SACROILIAC JOINTS; 3 OR MORE VIEWSX-RAY, SACROILIAC JOINTS; LESS THAN 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SACRUM AND COCCYX, MIN OF 2 VIEWSX-RAY, SHOULDER; 1 VIEWX-RAY, SHOULDER; COMPLETE, MIN OF 2 VIEWSMR CONTRAST - MULTIHANCE; MULTI-DOSE VIALNUC MED TUMOR IMAGING; WHOLE BODY; 2 OR MORE DAYS -INDIUMNUC MED TUMOR IMAGING; WHOLE BODY; 2 OR MORE DAYSNUC MED TUMOR IMAGING; WHOLE BODYNUC MED TUMOR IMAGING; SPECTNUC MED TUMOR IMAGING; MULTIPLENUC MED TUMOR IMAGING; LIMITEDNUC MED SALIVARY GLAND; INCLUDING X-RAYSNUC MED RENAL SCAN; WITHOUT LASIX OR CAPTOPRILNUC MED RENAL SCAN; WITH LASIX OR CAPTOPRILNUC MED RENAL SCAN; WITH LASIX AND CAPTOPRILNUC MED RENAL SCAN; VASCULAR FLOWNUC MED RENAL SCAN; STATIC3D POST PROCESSING ON INDEPENDENT WORKSTATIONCT CONTRASTCT GUIDANCECTA CONTRASTDISCOGRAPHY,LUMBARDUPLEX, PENILE VESSELS; COMPLETEDUPLEX, PENILE VESSELS; LIMITEDDUPLEX, UPPER EXTREMITY ARTERIAL; BILATERALDUPLEX, UPPER EXTREMITY ARTERIAL; UNILATERALDUPLEX, VENOUS; BILATERALDUPLEX, VENOUS; UNILATERALECHO, DOPPLERECHO, TRANSTHORACIC; COMPLETE WITHOUT SPEC OR COLOR DOPPLERECHO, TRANSTHORACIC; LIMITEDFLOURO GUIDANCEFLUORO (SEPARATE PROCEDURE), UP TO 1 HOUR PHYSICIAN TIMEINJECTION, ARTHROCENTESIS OF MAJOR JOINTINJECTION, ARTHROGRAM, ANKLEINJECTION, ARTHROGRAM, ELBOWINJECTION, ARTHROGRAM, HIPINJECTION, ARTHROGRAM, KNEEINJECTION, ARTHROGRAM, SI JOINTINJECTION, ARTHROGRAM, WRISTINJECTION, CYSTOGRAPHYINJECTION, DISCOGRAPHYINJECTION, LUMBAR, MEDICATION INTO SUBARACHNOID SPACEINJECTION, MAMMARY GALACTOGRAMINJECTION, SENTINEL NODEISTAT or PICCOLOMR CONTRAST - EOVISTMR CONTRAST - GADAVISTMR CONTRAST - MULTIHANCEMR CONTRAST - NON SPECIFIC GADOLINIUMMR CONTRAST - PROHANCENUC MED DATSCANNUC MED PARATHYROID WITH SPECTNUC MED RENAL FUNCTION ONLYNUC MED SALIVARY GLANDNUC MED SPLEEN IMAGINGNUC MED THYROID CARCINOMA, WHOLE BODY IMAGINGNUC MED THYROID IMAGING SCAN ONLYNUC MED THYROID UPTAKE AND SCANNUC MED THYROID UPTAKE ONLYPET AXUMINPET BRAINPET CT, LIMITEDPET CT, WHOLE BODYPET Dose for PET Brain - AmyvidPET Dose for PET Brain - NeuraceqPET Dose for PET Brain - VizamylPET Dose for PETCT AxuminPET Dose for PETCT Bone ScanPET NEURACEQPET VIZAMYLPROCEDURE, ABSESS, PUNCTURE ASPIRATIONPROCEDURE, ASPIRATION, BONE MARROWPROCEDURE, ASPIRATION, RENAL CYSTPROCEDURE, BREAST, ASPIRATION, EACH ADDTL CYSTPROCEDURE, BREAST, ASPIRATION, ONE CYSTUS, AAA SCREENINGUS, ABDOMEN; COMPLETEUS, BREAST; COMPLETEUS, BREAST; LIMITEDUS, CHESTUS, EXTREMITY OR JOINT; COMPLETEUS, EXTREMITY OR JOINT; LIMITEDUS, GUIDANCEUS, HYSTEROGRAPHYUS, INFANT HIPS; LIMITED WITHOUT PHYSICIAN MANIPULATIONUS, OB, 14 WEEK; EACH ADDTL GESTATIONUS, OB, 14 WEEK; ONE GESTATIONNUC MED LUNG IMAGING; VENTILATION AND PERFUSION (VQ Scan)CT MAXILLOFACIAL AREA; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT MAXILLOFACIAL AREA; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT MAXILLOFACIAL AREA; WITH CONTRASTBIOPSY, BREAST, CLIP PLACEMENT, STEREOTACTIC GUIDED; ONE LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, CLIP PLACEMENT, US GUIDED; EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, CLIP PLACEMENT, US GUIDED; ONE LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, MRI GUIDED, EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, MRI GUIDED, ONE LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, STEREOTACTIC; EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, STEREOTACTIC; ONE LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, US GUIDED, FIRST LESIONBIOPSY, CORE, BONE MARROWBIOPSY, CORE, LIVER (PERCUTANEOUS)BIOPSY, CORE, LYMPH NODEBIOPSY, CORE, THYROIDBIOPSY, FNA, CT GUIDED, EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, FNA, CT GUIDED, ONE LESIONBIOPSY, FNA, FLUORO GUIDED, EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, FNA, FLUORO GUIDED, ONE LESIONBIOPSY, FNA, US GUIDED, EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, FNA, US GUIDED, ONE LESIONBIOPSY, LUNG (PERCUTANEOUS)BIOPSY, MRI GUIDEDBIOPSY, MUSCLE (PERCUTANEOUS)BIOPSY, PANCREAS (PERCUTANEOUS)BIOPSY, PROSTATEBIOPSY, RENAL (PERCUTANEOUS)CCTA, HEART, WITH CONTRAST, WITH QUANT EVAL CORONARY CALCCCTA, HEART, WITHOUT CONTRAST, WITH QUANT EVAL CORONARY CALCCT ORBIT, SELLA, IAC; WITH CONTRASTCT ORBIT, SELLA, IAC; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT ORBIT, SELLA, IAC; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, ABDOMEN AND PELVIS WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, ABDOMEN AND PELVIS; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, ABDOMEN; WITH CONTRASTCT, ABDOMEN; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, ABDOMEN; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, BONE LENGTH OR SCANOGRAMCT, CERVICAL SPINE; WITH CONTRASTCT, CERVICAL SPINE; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, CERVICAL SPINE; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, COLONOGRAPHY, WITH POSTPROCESSING; WITH CONTRASTCT, COLONOGRAPHY, WITH POSTPROCESSING; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, THORACIC SPINE; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, THORAX; WITH CONTRAST MATERIAL(S)CT, THORAX; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, THORAX; WITHOUT CONTRAST MATERIALCT, UPPER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, UPPER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT CONTRASTCTA, ABDOMEN AND PELVIS, WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCTA, ABDOMEN, WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCTA, CHEST (NONCORONARY), WITHOUT AND/OR WITH CONTRASTCTA, HEAD, WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCTA, NECK, WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCTA, PELVIS, WITHOUT AND/OR WITH CONTRASTCTA, RUNOFFCTA, UPPER EXTREMITY, WITHOUT AND/OR WITH CONTRASTDEXA (RADIUS/WRIST/HEEL)EKG/ECGEKG/ECG STRESSMAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC TOMO, BILATERALMAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC TOMO, UNILATERALMAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC, BILATERALMAMMOGRAPHY, SCREENINGMAMMOGRAPHY, SCREENING TOMOMRA, ABDOMEN; WITHOUT OR WITH CONTRASTMRA, HEAD; WITH CONTRASTMRA, HEAD; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRA, JOINT, UPPER; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRA, LOWER EXTREMITY, WITHOUT OR WITH CONTRASTMRI, ABDOMEN; WITH CONTRASTMRI, ABDOMEN; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, ABDOMEN; WITHOUT CONTRASTNUC MED MUGANUC MED or PET Dose for Cardiac with Stress - LexiscanNUC MED PARATHYROIDAllergy testing-family medicineArterial brachial index (ABI)-cardiologyArterial brachial index (ABI)-family medicineArterial brachial index (ABI)-pulmonaryAugmentin 875 mg.Body composition analysisCardiac stress test-cardiologyCardiac stress test-family medicineCardionuclear stress test-cardiologyCardionuclear stress test-family medicineCarotid ultrasound-cardiologyCarotid ultrasound-family medicineCarotid ultrasound-pulmonaryComplete pulmonary function testing-cardiologyComplete pulmonary function teting-family medicineEchocardiogram-cardiologyFocal laser ablation prostate cancerGlucometerHolter monitor-cardiologyHolter monitor-family medicineHome sleep study-family medicineKN95 masksLatex glovesLisinopril 10mg.Metformin 500mg.Metformin 500mg.MRI inbore targeted prostate biopsyMRI prostate-non contrastMRI prostate-with contrastMRI whole body diffusion scanMuga scans-cardiologyMuga scans-family medicineMupirocin oint.Naproxen 500mgNebulizerSleep trackerSmart glassesSmart health watchesSmart hearing aidSpirometry complex-cardiologySpirometry complex-family medicineSpirometry simple-cardiologySpirometry simple-family medicineStress echocardiogram-cardiologyStress echocardiogram-family medicineStress echocardiogram-pulmonarySurgical masksTadalafil and apomorphine lozengesTelemedicine-cardiologyTelemedicine-family medicineTestosteroneTULSA ultrasound ablation of prostate cancerWireless monitoringWomen's health trackerZofran 4mg ODTZpack (azithromycin)Allergy test kitBaby sensorsBiosensorsBlood pressure monitorCancer test kitCervical facet joint injections/multiple levelsCervical radiofrequency denervation facet nervesCervical transforaminal epidural steroid injection.Chiropractic manipulationCholesterol test kitDNA test kitsEKG monitorExchange of central venous catheterFertility test kitFine needle aspiration biopsy, salivary gland/parotid glandFitness trackerFood sensitivity test kitHeart monitorHIV test kitImage-guided biliary catheter exchangeImage-guided breast cyst aspirationImage-guided drainage of abdominal cavityImage-guided drainage of pleural spaceImage-guided drainage peritoneal or retroperitonealImage-guided drainage, kidney, liver, spleen, lung, mediastinumImage-guided nephrostomy tube exchangeImage-guided sclerotherapy of soft tissue collectionInfertility test kitInsertion of central venous catheterInsertion of tunneled intraperitoneal dialysis catheterInsertion of tunneled pleural catheterLumbar facet joint blocks/multple levels.Lumbar radiofrequency denervation facet nerves.Lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injection.Medical alert devicesOvulation test kitPAP smear - iself screenPhysical therapy evaluationPhysical therapy treatment.Pool/aqua therapy.Port insertionPort removalPregnancy testPulse oximeterX-ray Ribs.Re-consult (not seen in 3 mo.)Removal of central venous catheterRemoval of tunneled intraperitoneal dialysis catheterRemoval of tunneled pleural catheterScales - weight monitoringSTD test kitStrep. throat test kitThermometerNUC MED BRAIN; COMPLETENUC MED BRAIN SCAN; LIMITEDNUC MED BRAIN SCAN WITH VASCULAR FLOW; LIMITEDNUC MED BRAIN SCAN WITH VASCULAR FLOW; COMPLETENUC MED BONE SCAN; WHOLE BODYNUC MED BONE SCAN; MULTIPLE AREASNUC MED BONE SCAN; LIMITEDNUC MED BONE SCAN; 3 PHASE IMAGINGBIOPSY, ABDOMEN (PERCUTANEOUS)BIOPSY, BONE; DEEPBIOPSY, BONE; SUPERFICIALBIOPSY, BREAST, CLIP PLACEMENT, MAMMO/XRAY GUIDED; ONE LESIONExcision of benign skin lesionExcision of cancerous skin lesionJoint injections-rheumatologyLiver core needle biopsyJoint injections-rheumatologyMohs surgeryMRA, HEAD; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRA, NECK; WITH CONTRASTMRA, NECK; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRA, NECK; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRA, PELVIS, WITHOUR OR WITH CONTRASTMRI, BONE MARROWMRI, BRAIN, FUNCTIONAL IMAGINGMRI, BRAIN; WITH CONTRASTMRI, BRAIN; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, BRAIN; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, BREAST, BILATERAL; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, BREAST, BILATERAL; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, BREAST, UNILATERAL; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, CARDIAC, MORPHOLOGY; WITH CONTRASTMRI, CARDIAC, MORPHOLOGY; WITH CONTRAST; WITH STRESSMRI, CARDIAC, MORPHOLOGY; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, CARDIAC, MORPHOLOGY; WITHOUT CONTRAST; WITH STRESSMRI, CARDIAC, VELOCITY FLOW MAPPING; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, CERVICAL; WITH CONTRASTMRI, CERVICAL; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, CERVICAL; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, CHEST; WITH CONTRASTMRI, CHEST; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, CHEST; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, JOINT, LOWER; WITH CONTRASTMRI, JOINT, LOWER; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, JOINT, LOWER; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, JOINT, UPPER; WITH CONTRASTMRI, JOINT, UPPER; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, LOWER EXTREMITY; WITH CONTRASTMRI, LOWER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, LOWER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, LUMBAR; WITH CONTRASTMRI, LUMBAR; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, LUMBAR; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, ORBIT, FACE, NECK; WITH CONTRASTMRI, ORBIT, FACE, NECK; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, PELVIS; WITH CONTRASTMRI, THORACIC; WITH CONTRASTMRI, THORACIC; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, THORACIC; WITHOUT CONTRASTMRI, TMJNUC MED Dose for CardiacNUC MED Dose for HIDANUC MED Dose for MUGAPathology reading - dermatologyPenile warts - removalSkin biopsy - with pathology reportThyroid core needle biopsy3-D tomosynthesis3D Diagnostic mammography.Abdominal + pelvic angiogramWound repair after Mohs surgeryX-RAY, ELBOW; 2 VIEWSNUC MED LUNG IMAGING; VENTILATIONNUC MED LUNG IMAGING; PERFUSIONNUC MED LIVER/SPLEEN IMAGING; WITH VASCULAR FLOWNUC MED LIVER IMAGING; WITH VASCULAR FLOWNUC MED CARDIAC SPECT; REST OR STRESSNUC MED CARDIAC SPECT; REST AND STRESSDUPLEX, AORTA OR IVC; LIMITEDDUPLEX, CAROTID; BILATERALDUPLEX, CAROTID; UNILATERALDUPLEX, LOWER EXTREMITY ARTERIAL; BILATERALInsertion of vena cava filterIntravascular ultrasound, artery/vein, initialISTATKyphoplasty augmentation, lumbar + biopsy (not pathology)Kyphoplasty augmentation, thoracic + biopsy (not pathology)MRI, UPPER EXTREMITY; WITH CONTRASTMRI, UPPER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, UPPER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT CONTRASTNUC MED CARDIAC BLOOD POOL IMAGING, PLANAR; REST OR STRESSNUC MED CARDIAC, PLANAR; REST AND STRESSNUC MED CARDIAC, PLANAR; REST OR STRESSNUC MED CARDIAC, POST INFARCT, PLANAR; QUAL OR QUANTNUC MED CISTERNOGRAPHYNUC MED Dose for BONE SCANNUC MED Dose for Brain Imaging - CERETECNUC MED Dose for Brain Imaging - NeuroliteNUC MED Dose for CardiacNUC MED Dose for HIDA with CCK - KinevacNUC MED Dose for LIVER/SPLEEN IMAGING or GASTRIC EMPTYINGNUC MED Dose for LUNG PERFUSIONNUC MED Dose for LUNG VENTILATIONNUC MED Dose for RENAL SCANSNUC MED Dose for MUGANUC MED Dose for Renal Scans with LasixNUC MED Dose for THYROID - I123NUC MED Dose for TUMOR IMAGING - CERETECNUC MED Dose for TUMOR IMAGING - INDIUMNUC MED ESOPHAGEAL MOTILITY STUDYNUC MED GASTRIC EMPTYINGNUC MED GASTRIC EMPTYING WITH SMALL BOWELNUC MED GASTRIC EMPTYING WITH SMALL BOWEL AND COLONNUC MED GERD STUDYNUC MED HIDANUC MED HIDA WITH CCKNUC MED LIVER IMAGINGNUC MED LUNG IMAGING WITH QUANTITATIVE PERFUSIONNUC MED LUNG IMAGING WITH QUANTITATIVE VENTILATION/PERFUSIONPopliteal artery angioplasty and stent placementPopliteal artery angioplasty, atherecetomy and stent placementPROCEDURE, GALACTOGRAM, SINGLE DUCTSPROCEDURE, LUMBAR PUNCTUREPROCEDURE, MYELOGRAM, 2 OR MORE REGIONSPROCEDURE, MYELOGRAM, CERVICALPROCEDURE, MYELOGRAM, LUMBARPROCEDURE, MYELOGRAM, THORACICPROCEDURE, PARACENTESIS, ABDOMENRemoval of vena cava filterRepositioning of vena cava filterTibial/peroneal angioplastyTibial/peroneal angioplasty and stent placementTibial/peroneal angioplasty, atherectomy and stent placementUterine fibroid embolizationVenous angioplasty and stent, initial, unilateralVenous angioplasty, initial vein, unilateralVenous mechanical/drug thrombolysis, unilateralX-RAY OR FLOURO, ARTHROGRAM, ANKLEX-RAY, WRIST; 2 VIEWSBeta - 2 Glycoprotein I (IgG, IgM, IgA)Beta-HCG quant (STAT)Bilateral 2D screening mammographyBilateral lower extremity angiogramBiopsy with ultrasound guidanceCyst aspiration with ultrasound guidanceDexa scanDiagnostic breast ultrasoundDiagnostic mammographyDOPPLER, COMPLETE ABIDOPPLER, LIMITED ABIDuplex scan of veins.Duplex scan of veins.DUPLEX, ABDOMEN, PELVIS, SCROTUM, OR RETRO ORGANS; COMPLETEDUPLEX, AORTA OR IVC; COMPLETEEndovenous laser ablation therapyInitial iliac artery angioplasty and stent placementInitial iliac artery angioplasty, unilateralMammographyPopliteal artery angioplastyScreening mammography.Thyroid core biopsyUltrasoundUltrasound Abdominal aorta with dopplerUltrasound Abdominal completeUltrasound Abdominal.Ultrasound Abdominal.Ultrasound Abdominal.Ultrasound Arterial doppler.Ultrasound Arterial doppler.Ultrasound Bilateral venous dopplerUltrasound Breast.Ultrasound Breast.Ultrasound ChestUltrasound Extremity completeUltrasound Extremity limitedUltrasound Head and neck/thyroidUltrasound IVC/aorta/Iliac artery dopplerUltrasound Lower extremity arteries/dopplerUltrasound Pelvic completeUltrasound Pelvic.Ultrasound Renal limitedUltrasound Retroperitoneal completeUltrasound Testicles/scrotumUltrasound Testicular with dopplerUltrasound Thyroid/parathyroidUltrasound Transabdominal.Ultrasound TransvaginalUltrasound Transvaginal, pelvicUltrasound Unilateral venous doppler.Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapyVein consultationX-RAY OR FLOURO, ARTHROGRAM, ELBOWX-RAY OR FLOURO, ARTHROGRAM, HIPX-RAY OR FLOURO, ARTHROGRAM, KNEEX-RAY OR FLOURO, ARTHROGRAM, SHOULDERX-RAY OR FLOURO, ARTHROGRAM, WRISTX-ray TMJ open/closed mouthX-ray Wrist 2 viewsX-ray Wrist.CT Arm/upper extremity.CT Leg/lower extremity.CT Leg/lower extremity.CT Maxillofacial - with contrastCT Neck/soft tissue .CT Neck/soft tissue.CT Sinus - without contrastCT Sinus - with contrastCT TMJ/mandible - without contrastCT TMJ/mandible.CTA Arm/upper extremity.CTA Brain/COW.CTA Leg/lower extremity.CTA Neck/carotid.X-ray Abdomen AP/obliqueX-ray Abdomen completeX-ray AC joint ankle completeX-ray Ankle.X-ray Bone age studiesX-ray Calcaneus.X-ray Cervical spine.X-ray Chest complete.X-ray Chest decubitusX-ray Cervical spine.X-ray Chest oblique viewX-ray Chest with apical.X-ray Chest.X-ray Chest.X-ray Clavicle completeX-ray Elbow complete.X-ray Elbow.X-ray Eyes for foreign bodyX-ray Femur.X-ray Femur.X-ray Finger.X-ray Foot.X-ray Foot.X-ray Forearm.X-ray Hand.X-ray Hand.X-ray Hip.X-ray Hip.X-ray Humerus.X-ray Knee completeX-ray Knee.X-ray Knees bilateralX-ray Lumbosacral with bending.X-ray Lumbosacral.X-ray Mandible partial.X-ray Mastoids complette.X-ray Nasal bones complete.X-ray Neck soft tissueX-ray Orbit complete.X-ray Osseus survey completeX-ray Pelvis completeX-ray Pelvis.X-ray Sacrum/coccyx.X-ray Ribs.X-ray ScapulaX-ray Scoliosis evaluation entire spineX-ray Shoulder complete.X-ray Shoulder.X-ray SI joints.X-ray Sinus complete.X-ray Sternoclavicular joints.X-ray Sternum.X-ray Thoracic spine.X-ray Thoracic spine.X-ray Tibia/fibula.X-ray TMJ open/closed mouthX-ray Toes.CT Abdomen - without contrastCT Abdomen with/without contrastCT Abdomen/pelvis - without contrastCT Brain - with contrastCT Brain - without contrastCT Chest - with contrastCT Chest - without contrastCT Orbit - with contrastCT Orbit - without contrastCT Orbit, sella IAC - with contrastCT Pelvis - with contrastCT Pelvis - without contrastCT Spine Cervical - with contrastCT Spine Cervical - without contrastCT Spine Lumbar - with contrastCT Spine Thoracic - with contrastCT Spine Thoracic - without contrastCT Urogram - with contrastCTA abdomen - with contrastCTA abdominal aorta iliofemoral lower extremity runoff - with contrastCTA chest - with contrastCTA pelvis - with contrastLip Shading (Retouch included)MRA Arm - with contrastMRA Brain/head/COW - with contrastMRA Brain/head/COW - without contrastMRA Chest - with contrastMRA Leg/ankle/foot runoff - with contrastMRA Neck/carotid - with contrastMRA Neck/carotid - without contrastMRA Pelvis - with contrastMRVMRV Ankle - with contrastMRV Ankle - without contrastMRV Arm - with contrastMRV ArmsMRV Brain/head/COW - with contrastMRV Chest - with contrastMRV Elbow - with contrastMRV Elbow - without contrastMRV Femur - with contrastMRV Femur - without contrastMRV Foot - with contrastMRV Foot - without contrastMRV Forearm - with contrastMRV Forearm - without contrastMRV Hand - with contrastMRV Hip - with contrastMRV Hip - without contrastMRV Humerus - with contrastMRV Humerus - without contrastMRV Knee - with contrastMRV Knee - without contrastMRV Leg - with contrastMRV Neck/carotid - with contrastMRV Neck/carotid - without contrastMRV Pelvis - with contrastMRV Shoulder - without contrastMRV Shoulder.MRV Tibia/fibula - with contrastMRV Tibia/fibula - without contrastMRV Wrist.MRV Wrist.Additional body part treatment-360 Rehab. ServicesBelow knee cast-podiatryBladder ultrasound - Mobile ImagingCortisone injection - podiatryEuflexxa injections - kneeExcision of skin lesion-podiatry.Foot cast-podiatryIncision and drainage of abcess-podiatry.Ingrown toenail permanent removal/chemical matrixectomy-podiatry.Initial evaluation - physical therapyLow intensity shockwave treatment (LISW) to penis for E.D./per treatment - Mobile ImagingMRAMRCPMRI Abdomen - with contrastVi peelMRI Abdomen - without contrastMRI Brain - with contrastMRI Brain - without contrastMRI Breast - with contrastMRI Cervical - with contrastMRI Cervical - without contrastMRI Chest/brachial plexus - with contrastMRI Chest/brachial plexus - without contrastMRI Lumbar - with contrastMRI Lumbar - without contrastMRI Neck soft tissue - with contrastMRI Neck soft tissue - without contrastMRI Orbit/IAC - with contrastMRI Orbit/IAC - without contrastMRI Pelvis - without contrastMRI Pelvis with contrastMRI Sacrum/coccyx - with contrastMRI Sacrum/coccyx - without contrastMRI study without contrast/hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder - hand surgeon.MRI Thoracic - with contrastMRI Thoracic - without contrastMRI TMJ/mandible - with contrastNeuroma injection - podiatryOccupational therapy - treatment per hour-Aspen rehab.Orthotics-podiatryPartial nail avulsion-podiatry.Penile doppler ultrasound - Mobile ImagingPhysical therapy - treatment per half hour-Aspen rehab.Physical therapy - treatment per hour-Aspen rehab.Physical/occupational therapy consultation - hand surgeonProstate marker placement (excluding cost of markers) - Mobile ImagingRemoval of foreign body-podiatryRenal & bladder ultrasound - Mobile ImagingRenal ultrasound - Mobile ImagingSpeech therapy - initial evaluation-Aspen rehab.Speech therapy treatment-Aspen rehab.Steroid injection - hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder - hand surgeonSynvisc injections - knee, series of 3 inclusiveTelemedicine - hand surgeonTesticular ultrasound - Mobile ImagingTransrectal ultrasound of prostate - Mobile ImagingTransrectal ultrasound of prostate and biopsy guidance - Mobile ImagingFollowup visit - cardiologyCardiac pacer checkCell block study to thin prep if necessaryChest x-ray (CXR) - cardiologyCholesterol - cardiologyComplete blood count (CBC) - cardiologyCrystal identificationCytopathology fine needle interpretation and reportCytopathology, prep, screening and interpretationDecalcification studyDisability exam - orthopedicsDNA analysis/cell cycleEar wax removal - both earsEar wax removal - single earEchocardiogram - cardiologyEye exam - optometryUroflow maxFISH test/in situ hybridization - each probeFlow cytometry interpretation/16 or more markersFlu vaccineFungal cultures/mycology platesFungal identificationHolter monitor study - cardiologyImmunoperoxidase stain/each additional antibodyImmunoperoxidase stain/first antibodyInjections for arthritis relief - orthopedicsInterpretation of patient's own glucose sensor-endocrinology.IUD removalKnee x-ray one side 4 views - orthopedicsLipid panel - cardiologyLumbar spine x-ray 2 views - orthopedicsMorphometric analysis - tumorNutrition/wellness groups - six hours-endocrinologyNutrition/wellness groups-endocrinology..PAP smear/thin prepPre-surgery clearance + EKGPregnancy testPsychological evaluations/neuropsych evaluation-psychology.Rhythm strip - cardiologySecond opinion on slides from elswhereSpecial stainsSpecial stains-PAS/GMS/Gram/Acid FastSpirometryStress echocardiogram - cardiologyStress testSurgical pathology, gross examination onlySuture removalThin prep/non-gyneThyroid (TSH) level - cardiologyThyroid ultrasound-endocrinology.Ultrasound abdomen - cardiologyUrgent care visitUrine analysisVenipuncture/blood draw - cardiologyWart freezingBody composition analysisBody composition analysisBody composition analysis - muscle/fat/BMRBotox for migraines - NeurologyBreast lumpectomyCataract surgery with laserCliradexColor CLs fitting for PlanoCompression therapyCompression therapyCompression therapyContact lens examCycloplegic examContact lens examDemodex oustEEG - NeurologyEMG/nerve conduction study - NeurologyEye examFitness training.HSV CulThyroid biopsy - EndocrinologyForeign body exam/removal - optometryFull body stretch.Full body stretch.Gas permeable examGas permerable examGroup fitness trainingHypervolt massage gun.HypochlorInfusions and boostersInfusions and boostersInfusions and boostersLatisse 15 mlsLight therapyLight therapyLipiflow or blephexLight therapyLumifyMacu healthMaxi vision supplementMedi BeadsNormatech compression boots.Normatech compression boots.Nutrition counseling - weight managementNutrition counseling - weight managementNutritional consultation.Ocusoft soapNutritional consultation.Pathology interpretation/report for vasectomyPersonal training - 3 or more times per week.Personal training - Twice per week.PRN - per monthPterygium surgeryPunctal plugsRadical mastectomy/modifiedRetinal photographyRetinal TopographySimple mastectomySpecialty scleralStretching/Hypervolt.Stretching/Hypervolt.Stretching/Hypervolt.Therapeutic massage.Therapeutic massage.Therapy/individual/couples/family - PsychologyVisual fieldAcne peelBotox/dysportBotox/dysportBreast ultrasoundChemical peelsDiagnostic mammogramEarlobe split repairEarlobe split repairExcision of breast massExcision of breast mass with pre-op localizationExcision of lesion - plastic surgeryEyebrow microbladingEyeliner - top only (Retouch included)Eyeliner - top+bottom (Retouch included)Eyeliner bottom only (Retouch included)FacialFacial lesion removal/repairFillersFractional CO2/deep ablativeFractional CO2/deep ablativeHair regrowthHand foreign object removalHydrafacialIntense pulsed light (IPL)Kenalog injection for trigger fingerLaceration repair bodyMakeup RetouchLaceration repair faceLaser hair removalLaser hair removalLaser hair removal medium areaLaser hair removal small areasLaser skin tighteningMicrodermabraisionMicroneedlingMink lashesObstetricalPathology specimen charge prep. and reportPerfection peel forteRestylane, Juvederm, Lyft, Silk, VolumaRestylane, Juvederm, Lyft, Silk, VolumaScalp micropigmentationScar camouflageScreening mammogramSculptra - injectableSentinel lymph node biopsySignature lift peelSteroid injection - plastic surgerySublative skin resurfacingSurgical scar revisionSurgical scar revisionTotal obstetric care/vaginal delivery - excluding hospital costsTruSculptTruSculpt 3DTruSculpt 3DUltrasound-guided biopsyUltrasound-guided fine needle aspiration sampleVelashapeWomen's wellness examWrinkle lift peelYAG laser - faceAllergy testing-pulmonaryBasic metabolic profile (BMP)Cardiac stress testCardionuclear stress test-pulmonaryCervical biopsy/polypectomyComplete pulmonary function testing-pulmonaryD&CEndocervical curettageErythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)Hepatic function panelHolter monitor-pulmonaryHome sleep study-pulmonaryHospital visit - InternistHysteroscopy D&CHysteroscopy diagnosticIncision/drainage of Bartholin's abscess - Ob/GynIncision/drainage vulva/perineal abscess - Ob/GynInjection - gardisil - Ob/GynInjections - Ob/GynInsert standard IUDIUD - lilettaIUD - mirena insertionIUD - nexplanon with insertionIUD - paraguard insertionIGF Binding Protein - 1 (IGFP-1)Echocardiogram-pulmonaryEKG - InternistEKG-family medicineLaser hair removal large area - 6 sessionsLaser hair removal large areaLaser hair removal medium area - 6 sessionsLaser hair removal small area - 6 SessionsCBCCMPIUD - removal and insertion of new nexplanonIUD - skylaIUDsMuga scans-pulmonaryNovaSure endometrial ablationOsteoporosis screening - Ob/GynPediatric/sports physicalPelvic floor therapyPelvic floor therapyPelvic floor therapy - Ob/GynPhysical - InternistSerum ferritinSerum ironSerum iron binding capacitySpirometry - InternistSpirometry complex-pulmonarySpirometry simple-pulmonaryTelemedicine - initial-family practice.Telemedicine-pulmonaryTransvaginal ultrasound - Ob/GynUltrasound - obstetric - Ob/GynUltrasound - pelvis - Ob/GynUrodynamics test - Ob/GynVaginal atrophy treatmentVaginal biopsy - Ob/GynVaginal removal of standard IUDVenipuncture collection feeVenipuncture/blood taking - InternistVulvar biopsy - Ob/GynWart/condyloma removal - Ob/GynMeasles (rubeola Ab, IgGanorectal manometrycatheter-based pH monitoringColposcopyColposcopy with biopsy/curettageCryoablation of cervixCystoscopy - Ob/Gynesophageal impedanceesophageal manometryesophageal manometry + pHesophageal manometry with impedanceExcision of benign skin lesion-dermatologyExcision of cancerous skin lesion -dermatologyFollowup/established patient visit - InternistInitial well visit - Ob/Gyn with PAP smearLEEPMercury, BloodMohs surgeryHTLV I/II (FDA Donor Test)Colposcopy with biopsy of cervixPhysical exam-family medicine.Pathology reading - dermatologySkin biopsy - with pathology report-dermatologySkin cancer - small - destruction-dermatologyTelemedicine - followup/established patient visit - InternistTelemedicine - initial/new paitient - InternistVitamin D injectionWound repair after Mohs surgeryX-ray KUBanoscopyB12 injectionBladder scan - to check residual urineCircumcision - surgeons fee onlyCircumscision -surgeons fee onlyCT, GUIDANCE, STEREOTACTIC LOCALIZATIONCT, HEAD; WITH CONTRASTCT, HEAD; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, HEAD; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, LOWER EXTREMITY; WITH CONTRASTCT, LOWER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, LOWER EXTREMITY; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, LUMBAR SPINE; WITH CONTRASTCT, LUMBAR SPINE; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, LUMBAR SPINE; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, PELVIS; WITH CONTRASTCT, PELVIS; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, PELVIS; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, SOFT TISSUE NECK; WITH CONTRASTCT, SOFT TISSUE NECK; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTCT, SOFT TISSUE NECK; WITHOUT CONTRASTCT, THORACIC SPINE; WITH CONTRASTCT, THORACIC SPINE; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTDMSO bladder installationDoppler ultrasound - penisDrainage of scrotal abscessExcision of penile lesionflexible sigmoidoscopyForeskin reductionG-tube replacementH. pylori breath test or urea breath testHemorrhoid bandingHepatitis A+B vaccineX-RAY, KNEE; 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE; ENTIRE, 1 VIEWHydrogen breath testTelemedicine - follow up visit - urologyInjections - urology lupron, eligard, trelstarMicrowave/prostate in-office treatmentMorpheus microneedlingPenile injections / trimix / papaverine / xiaflexPenile shockwave for ED/impotencePillCam small bowel endoscopyRezum prostate in-office procedure - established patientRezum prostate procedure in officeTestopelTibial nerve stimulation for urge leakage - urology - per courseVasectomyVotiva radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenationCatheter and instillation of bladder drugsConization of cervixCystoscopy - urology +/- stretch/stent removal or bladder biopsyDEXAFoley catheter +/- irrigationHepatitis A IgMHepatitis B Core Ab lgMHepatitis B Core Ab. Total (FDA Donor Test)Hepatitis B Surface AbHepatitis B Surface Ag. (FDA Donor Test)Hepatitis B Virus by Quant PCRHepatitis Be AbInjections - urology per course - antibioticsLegsMonalisa touch - urology - vaginal rejuventation - 6 treatments inclusiveProstate volume studyRenal and bladder ultrasoundUltrasound-guided prostate biopsyUrodynamic test - urologyX-RAY, SPINE; ENTIRE, 2 OR 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE; ENTIRE, 4 OR 5 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE; ENTIRE, MIN 6 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE; THORACIC, 2 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE; THORACIC, 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE; THORACIC, MIN OF 4 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE; THORACOLUMBAR JUNCTION, 2 VIEWSX-RAY, TEETH; COMPLETE, FULL MOUTH17-Hydroxypregnenolone Quant2 week makeup Retouch2D MAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC, BILATERAL3D POST PROCESSING ON IMAGING CONSOLEabdominal ultrasoundHeparin, Anti-XAHepatitis C Ab. (FDA Donor Test)Immunoglobulins Panel (IgA,IgG,IgM)InhibinInsulin Fasting, serum (per unit)Insulin SerumInterleukin IL-6Iron & TIBCLDHLead, Blood (Venous)Lead, UrineLH (STAT)LipaseLipoproteinLiquid Base Pap SmearLithium, Serum or PlasmaLupus Anticoagulant ProfileMagnesium, RBCsMeasles (rubeola Ab, IgG)Mercury, Random UrineMicro Albumin RandomMTHFR DNAMumps Ab. IgGMumps Ab. IgMMycoplasma/Ureaplasma CultNatural Killer Cells ActivationOmega 3 & 6PAP Smear (Thin Prep) w/ HPVPlasminogen Act Inhibitor - 1 (PAI-1)Progesterone (STAT)Prolactin SerumProstate Specific Antigen PSA SerumProtein C ActivityProtein S ActivityProtein TotalProthrombin (F2) MutationProthrombin (Factor II) mutationProthrombin Time with INRPSA, Free & TotalPT - PTT INRPTT (Partial Thromboplastin Time)RA Factor (Rheumatoid Factor)RPR (FDA Donor Test)Rubella IgM, IgG (each)Sed RateSHBG -Sex Hormone Binding GlobulinSickle CellSperm (16) Antibodies IgA and IgGSyphilis MHA-TP (Reflex to RPR)T - 3 UptakeT- 3 FreeT- 3 TotalT- 4 FreeT-3 ReverseT.Cruzi (FDA Donor Test)Testosterone TotalThyroglobulin AbThyroid Peroxidase Ab (TPO Ab)Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobin (TSIG)Thyroxine Binding Globulin (T.B.G)Toxoplasma IgMTSHTSH Receptor antibody (TRAB)Uric Acid (serum)UrinalysisVaricella Ab. lgGVaricella Zoster Virus Antibody IgMVitamin B-12Vitamin B-6Vitamin D 25Vitamin EWest Nile Virus (FDA Donor Test)West Nile Virus IgMY Chromosome Microdelation DNAZika IgMZika PCRZinc, RBCZinc, Serum or PlasmaAbdominal ultrasound - Ob/Gynabdominal ultrasound with dopplerADD-ON CODE RADIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION, SURGICAL SPECIMENAdditional 15 min treatment session-360 Rehab. ServicesAFP (Alpha Fetoprotein, Serum - Tumor Marker)Alcohol and drug testsAllergy testing-cardiologyANA, by IFA IgG (Reflex)Anti-Nuclear Ab. (ANA) w/reflexAntithrombin Thrombin Enzymatic (Activity)Atorvastatin 20mg.Basic metabolic panel (BMP) - cardiologyUS, INFANT HIPS; COMPLETE WITH PHYSICIAN MANIPULATIONBilateral 3D screening mammographyUrine Drug ScreenBilateral upper eyelid excess skin removalBiopsy reading/general screening of specimenBIOPSY, BREAST, CLIP PLACEMENT, MAMMO/XRAY GUIDED; EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, CLIP PLACEMENT, STEREOTACTIC GUIDED; EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, BREAST, US GUIDED, EACH ADDTL LESIONBIOPSY, FNA, MRI GUIDED, ONE LESIONBIOPSY, SALIVARY GLAND (PERCUTAENOUS)Bladder pessary insertion - urology for stress incontinenceBlood pressure monitorsBlood Type: ABO Typing & RH FactorCancer Antigen-GI (CA 19-9)Cataract surgeryCervical polypectomyCiprofloxin 500mg.CMP (12) Comprehensive Metabolic ProfileContact lens examContrast evaluation of intraperitoneal dialysis catheterCortisone injection - hip or kneeCT Abdomen with contrastCT Arm/upper extremity.CT IAC - without contrastCT Maxillofacial - without contrastExcision of lesion - plastic surgeryFacial botox/dysport per unitCT Spine Lumbar - without contrastCT, ABDOMEN AND PELVIS; WITH CONTRASTCT, CHEST, LOW DOSE LUNG CANCER SCREENINGCT, UPPER EXTREMITY; WITH CONTRASTCTA, LOWER EXTREMITY, WITHOUT AND/OR WITH CONTRASTCystoscopy/botox per courseDiagnostic lower extremity venogram, bilateralDUPLEX, ABDOMEN, PELVIS, SCROTUM, OR RETRO ORGANS; LIMITEDDUPLEX, HEMODIALYSIS ACCESSDUPLEX, LOWER EXTREMITY ARTERIAL; UNILATERALECHO, TRANSTHORACIC; COMPLETE WITH SPEC & COLOR DOPPLEREndometrial biopsyFine needle aspiration with ultrasound guidanceFitness assessmentFLUORO FROM NOSE TO RECTUM FOR FOREIGN BODY, SINGLE VIEW, CHILDFLUORO, ABSCESS, FISTULA/SINUS TRACT STUDY, RADIOLOGICAL S & IFLUORO, UPPER GI; WITH OR WITHOUT DELAYED IMAGES, WITHOUT KUBFLUOROHepatitis Be AgHip x-ray one side 2 views - orthopedicsHIV I/2/0 Ab Screen (FDA Donor Test)Hypervolt massage gun.Image-guided drainage, extremity, abdominal wall or neckInfusions and boostersINJECTION, ARTHROGRAM, SHOULDERInsertion of office sensor and interpretation-endocrinology.Iodine SerumUltrasound Upper extremity arteries/dopplerUreaplasma & Mycoplasma Species by PCRUS, ABDOMEN; LIMITED (SINGLE ORGAN OR QUADRANT)EKGJoint injections-rheumatologyLaser hair removalLesion removal/repair bodyLipid Panel w/LDL RatioUric acidUrine alcoholLipiflow or blephex with meibomian gland expressionLymph node biopsy, cervical/axillary/inguinalMAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC, UNILATERALManganese, RBCMPX. (HIV, HCV,HBV-NAT) ( FDA Donor Test)MR CONTRAST - DOTAREMMRA Leg - with contrastMRA, SPINE; WITHOUT OR WITH CONTRASTMRI Prostate - with contrastMRI, BREAST, UNILATERAL; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, CHEST; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, JOINT, UPPER; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, ORBIT, FACE, NECK; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRV Brain/head/COW - without contrastMRV Hand - without contrastMRV Leg/ankle/foot/runoff - with contrastNewborn circumscision - Ob/GynNUC MED TUMOR IMAGINGNUC MED CARDIAC SPECTNUC MED Dose for DATSCANNUC MED BONE SCANNUC MED Dose for HIDANUC MED BRAIN SCAN WITH VASCULAR FLOWNUC MED BRAIN SCANNUC MED BRAIN VASCULAR FLOW STUDYNUC MED BRAINNUC MED Dose for MUGANUC MED Dose Sterile water/saline, 10 mlNUC MED LIVER/SPLEEN IMAGINGNUC MED LUNG IMAGINGNutrition/wellness per individual - 1 hour - endocrinologyNutritional consultation.Occupational therapy - initial evaluation-Aspen rehab.NUC MED RENAL SCANNUC MED TESTICULAR WITH VASCULAR FLOWOxygen facialParental DNA and gender test kitPathology interpretation/report for breast biopsyPathology interpretation/report for skin or prostate per biopsy samplePlatelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection to accelerate healing of tendons, ligaments, muscles, jointsPET CT, SKULL BASE TO THIGHPET Dose for PETCT Whole Body or Skull Base to Thigh (Oncology)Phosphatidylserine (IgG, IgM, IgA) Anti-Phospholipid panelPopliteal artery angioplasty and atherectomyPTH Intact with CalciumSelenium Serum or PlasmaSkin cancer - small - destructionStereotactic biopsyStereotactic/tomo biopsyT- 4 TotalTherapeutic massage.Extensive Hormone testing panelThyroid functionTibial/peroneal angioplasty and atherectomyTotal obstetric care/C-section - excluding hospital costsUltrasound CarotidUltrasound Renal artery with dopplerVitamin D 1, 25 HydroxyWrite up and written report of evaluation-psychology.X-ray Abdomen complete decubitusX-ray Cervical spine.X-ray Facial bones complete.X-ray Hip unilateral viewX-ray Lumbosacral complete with bending.X-ray Ribs.X-ray Skull complete.X-ray Thoracolumbar junction.X-RAY, ABDOMEN, 3 OR MORE VIEWSX-RAY, CHEST, 4 OR MORE VIEWSX-RAY, FINGER(S), MIN OF 2 VIEWSX-RAY, HIP, BIILATERAL, WITH OR WITHOUT PELVIS; 2 VIEWSX-RAY, MASTOIDS; COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWS PER SIDEX-RAY, RIBS, BILATERAL; INCLUDING PA CHEST, MIN OF 4 VIEWSX-RAY, SINUSES, PARANASAL, COMPLETE, MIN OF 3 VIEWSX-RAY, SPINE, LUMBOSACRAL; BENDING VIEWS ONLY, 2 OR 3 VIEWSX-RAY; HUMERUS, MIN OF 2 VIEWSX-RAYX-RAY; TOE(S), MIN OF 2 VIEWSZinc ProtoporphyrinsMRI Lumbar - without contrastMRI Lumbar - with contrastLASIK (per eye)LASIK (per eye)LASIK (per eye)established patient office visitAnnual Wellness Visit, InitialAnnual Wellness Visit, SubsequentIntravenous Push, Single SubstancePap Smear, Obtaining SpecimenAdvanced Care Planning, First 30 MinutesAdvanced Care Planning, < 30 MinutesDepression ScreeningCVD Behavorial CounselingTobacco CounselingVaccine AdministationNebulizer TreatmentAnnual physical exam - Established patientInjection, TheraputicEKGTransitional Care Management Services, 14 days Post Hospital DischargeTransitional Care Management Services, 7 days Post Hospital DischargeBlood Draw - discounted labs extraCryosurgery - CervixEndometrial curettageComposite Fillings - 1 SurfaceHospital visit-family medicine.Echocardiogram-family medicineEKG-pulmonaryEKG-pulmonary, cardiology, family medicineEKG - cardiologyIntravenous injection - Single agentCleaning with hygenistBitewing X-raysPSA Blood TestComposite Fillings - 2 SurfacesComposite Fillings - 3 SurfacesPT/INR TestRPR/Syphilis TestTestosterone LevelTest Category1 x-ray2 x-raysMore than 2 x-raysSTD ExamGYN Exam w/ Pap SmearWork PhysicalWork Physical and X-rayDOT PhysicalSchool physical (18 and under)Sports physical (18 and under)School and Sports PhysicalAdult physical clearancePre-op clearance for surgerySuture/staple removalExam with x-rayExam with x-ray and labsExam with minor procedureExam with IV or IM medicationsExam with minor procedure and IV or IM medsRapid flu test/mono testRapid strep testCovid-19 PCRRapid Covid-19 antigenThyroid PanelAbdominal labsCRPCholesterol PanelBasic labs/health panelEpstein-Barr Virus PanelFemale HormonesGC/chlamydia cultureHeavy Metal ProfileHepatitis PanelHIV test Ag/ABHSV 1 & 2Lipid PanelLithium levelLyme Disease TestMMR titerNicotineUrine CultureVaricella titerVitamin DWound CultureTB QuantiferonBlood Type and ScreenEar LavageB12 Super Burn InjectionVarivax/varicella vaccinePolio vaccineHepatitis A vaccineBicillin injectionHepatitis B vaccineMMR vaccinePPD (Tb skin test)TDAP VaccineTD vaccineWeight Loss ManagementThyroid 2nd biopsy - EndocrinologyInterpretation of patient's own glucose sensor and pump-endocrinology.Coordiantion of Care with PCP and other Specialists (hourly)Prior Authorization of MediacationsLetter from Dr. RodriguezForm Completion (FMLA and others)Injection Administration (not including the drug)ConferenceThyroglobulin Serum or PlasmaBioidentical testosterone therapyHome sleep study-cardiologyMRI, PELVIS; WITHOUT AND WITH CONTRASTMRI, PELVIS; WITHOUT CONTRASTHepatitis C Virus RNA Quant RT-PCRHerpes Simplex Virus 1&2 IgM, IgG (each)Homocystine TotalCT MAXILLOFACIAL AREAC-PeptideCMV IgGCMV Total (FDA Test)Copper Serum or PlasmaCortisol SerumCortisol,SalivaCreatinine 24HR UACRP-HSCystic Fibrosis (165 Variants)Dengue Fever IgMDHEA - SulfatteDHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone serum)DigoxinEndometrial Biopsy IV path + ImmuncytochemEpstein-Barr Virus Antibody IgGEstradiol (STAT)Estriol SerumEstrogen TotalEstroneFactor II Prothrombin Gene MutationFactor V ActivityFactor V Leiden DNA MutationFactor VIII ActivityFactor XI ActivityFactor XII ActivityFatty Acid ProfileFerritinFibrinogenFolic AcidFragile X Syndrome Abnormal results will automatically be reflexedFragile X Syndrome ReflexFree & Bioavailable Testosterone By CalculationFSH (STAT)GC/Chlamydia by DNA Amp (FDA Donor Test)GGTGlucose Fasting (per unit)Glutathione TotalGroup therapy 5-6 clients - per client-psychologyGrowth HormoneHemoglobin A1cHemoglobin EvaluationHepatic Function PanelHepatitis A Ab. Virus Antibodies TotalPanelX-RAY; OPTIC FORAMINA17-OH Progesterone2D MAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC, UNILATERAL2D MAMMOGRAPHY, SCREENING3D MAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC, BILATERAL3D MAMMOGRAPHY, DIAGNOSTIC, UNILATERAL3D MAMMOGRAPHY, SCREENINGACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)AdiponectinAlbuminAldolaseAldosterone, SerumAlpha Globin (HBA1 & HBA2) DD (Reflex)ALT (SGPT)AMH - (Anti-Mullarian Hormone)AMH (Anti-Mullarian Hormone)AmylaseANA Screen
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17-Hydroxypregnenalone-AdrenalProgesterone-AdrenalRetouchMammogram3D Tomosynthesis3D ProcessingAbdominal and Pelvic AngiogramUltrasound AbdomenUltrasound AbdominalPeelACTHAdd-OnPhysical Therapy-AdditionalAdiponectinAFPAlbuminAlcohol and Drug Test KitAldolaseAldosteroneAllergy Test KitAllergy TestingAlpha GlobulinALT-SGPTAMHAmylaseANAAdrenalAnorectal ManometryAnoscopyAnti-CardiolipinAnti-Nuclear-AntinuclearAnti-Ovarian-AntiovarianAntiphosphatidylethanoloamineAnti-Sperm-AntispermRBC-AntibodyAntithrombinArsenicABIAST-SGOTAtorvastatinAugmentinB12 InjectionBaby SensorsCultureBMPBelow Knee CastBetaVisit - ReconsultBlepharoplastyBilirubinElectrophoresisPathology InterpretationUltrasound-Guided BiopsyBiopsy AbdomenBiopsy BoneBiopsy BreastBiopsy Bone MarrowBiopsy LiverBiopsy Lymph NodeBiopsy ThyroidBiopsy FNA-Fine Needle AspirationBiopsy LungBiopsy, MRI-GuidedBiopsy MuscleBiopsy PancreasBiopsy ProstateBiopsy Renal-KidneyBiopsy Salivary GlandBiosensorsBladder PessaryBladder ScanUltrasound BladderChromosomeVenipunctureBlood Pressure MonitorBlood TypeBody CompositionBody Composition AnalysisBotox for MigrainesBotox - FacialBreast LumpectomyUltrasound BreastBUNC-PeptideCancer AntigenCalciumCancer Test KitCEACardiac Pacer CheckCardiac Stress TestCardiolipinNuclear Stress TestCarotid UltrasoundCataract SurgeryCatheter Bladder InstillationEsophageal pHCBCCCTA HeartCell Block StudyCervical PolypectomyCervical Facet Joint Block - NeckCervical Radiofrequency - NeckChemical PeelX-Ray ChestChiropractic TherapyChlamydiaCholesterolCholesterol Test KitCiproCircumcisionCliradexCMPCMVColor CLsColposcopyPulmonary Function TestHypervoltConization CervixContact LensDialysis Catheter EvaluationCopperCortisolInjection KneeSteroid InjectionCreatinineCRPCryoablation-CervixCrystal IdentificationCT AbdomenCT ArmCT BrainCT ChestCTCT GuidanceCT IACCT LegCT Maxillofacial BonesCT Maxillofacial AreaCT NeckCT OrbitCT Orbit and SellaCT Orbit, Sella, IACCT PelvisCT SinusCT Cervical SpineCT Lumbar SpineCT Thoracic SpineCT MandibleCT UrogramCT Abdomen and PelvisCT BoneCT ColonCT Follow UpCT HeadCT Lower ExtremityCT ThoraxCT Upper ExtremityCTA AbdomenCTA ArmCTA BrainCTA ChestCTACTA LegCTA NeckCTA PelvisCTA Abdomen and PelvisCTA HeadCTA Lower ExtremityCTA RunoffCTA Upper ExtremityCytoplegic ExamCyst AspirationCystic FibrosisCystoscopyCystoscopy - BotoxCytopathologyD&CDecalcification StudyDemodexDengueDexaDHEALower Limb VenogramDigoxinDisability ExamDiscographyDmso-Bladder InstillationDNA AnalysisDNA Test KitUltrasound Doppler PenisUltrasound-DopplerDrainage Scrotal AbscessUltrasound - DuplexUltrasound-DuplexEar Wax RemovalEarlobe RepairEcho DopplerEcho TransthoracicEchocardiogramEEGEKG MonitorEKG/ECGEMG StudyCurettageEndometrial BiopsyEndometrialEndovenous Laser AblationEpstein BarrSedimentation Rate-ESREsophageal ImpedanceEsophageal ManometryEstradiolEstriolEstrogenEstroneCentral Venous Catheter ExchangeSkin BiopsyExcision of Skin LesionExcision Breast MassExcision Lesion and RepairExcision Penile LesionEye ExamEyebrow MicrobladingEyelinerFacialFacial Lesion RemovalFactorFatty AcidFerritinFertility Test KitFibrinogenFillers-FacialFNA Salivary GlandCyst Aspiration FNA, Ultrasound GuidedFish TestFitness AssessmentFitness TrackerFitnessFlexible SigmoidoscopyFluoroFlow CytometryFlu VaccineFluoro Nose to RectumUpper GI w/wo GlucoseFluoro Fistula/Sinus TractCystography-CystogramFluoro Contrast EnemaHysterosalpingogramFluoro Small Intestine-Small BowelFluoro TomoFluoro-Upper GIFluoro-EsophagusFluoro-Pharynx-ThroatFLA ProstateFoley Catheter for Bladder DrainageFolic AcidVisit - Bone Doctor / Orthopedist / OrthopedicsVisit - Plastic Surgery / Cosmetic SurgeonVisit - Pain Specialist / AnesthesiaVisit - Breast Cancer / SurgeonVisit - Heart Doctor / CardiologistVisit - Skin Doctor / DermatologistVisit - Dermatologist / Skin DoctorVisit - Hormone/Gland Specialist / EndocrinologistVisit - Hand SurgeonVisit - Eye Doctor / OphthalmologistVisit - Brain Doctor / NeurologistVisit - Brain Surgeon / NeurosurgeonVisit - Women's Health / Ob/GynVisit - Foot Doctor / PodiatristVisit - Mental Health / PsychologistVisit - GI / Stomach Doctor / GastroenterologistVisit - Men's Health / UrologistVisit - Family Medicine / Family DoctorVisit - Kidney Specialist / NephrologistVisit - Cancer & Blood Specialist / Oncologist/HematologistVisit - Lung Doctor / PulmonologistVisit - Arthritis/Joint Doctor / RheumatologistVisit - Internal Medicine / InternistFood Allergy Test KitFoot CastForeign Body RemovalForeskin ReductionFractional CO2Fragile XTestosteroneFSHFull Body StretchFungal CulturesFungal IdentificationG-TubeGas Permeable ExamGonorrhea-ChlamydiaGGTGlucometerGlucoseGlutathioneGroup TherapyGrowth HormoneH. PyloriHair RegrowthHeart MonitorHemoglobinHemorrhoid BandingHeparinLiver FunctionLiver Function TestHepatitisHepatitis VaccineHerpesX-Ray HipHIVHIV Test KitHolter Monitor StudyHolter MonitorSleep StudyHomocystineHSVHTLVHydra FacialHydrogen Breath TestHyperchlorHysteroscopyLGFBiliary Catheter ExchangeBreast Cyst DrainageDrainage of Abdominal FluidDrainage of Chest FluidDrainage of Limb, Abdominal Wall or Neck FluidDrainage of Fluid From OrgansNephrostomy ExchangeSclerotherapy of Soft TissueImmunoglobulinsImmunoperoxidaseIncision of AbscessIncision Bartholins AbcessIncision Abcess VulvaInfertility Test KitInfusionsRemoval ToenailInhibinVisit - Physical TherapyInternal Iliac Artery AngioplastyVisit - ChiropracticInjection-GardisilArthrocentesis-Joint AspirationArthrogramLumbar PunctureGalactogramSentinel NodeInjection-Ob/GynInjection-Lupron, Eligard, TrelsatrInjection-AntibioticInjection JointsBirth ControlCentral Venous Catheter InsertionOffice SensorInsertion of Abdominal Dialysis CatheterInsertion of Chest CatheterInsertion of Caval FilterInsulinIPLInterleukinIntravascular UltrasoundIodineIron-Fei-STATi-STAT - PiccoloIUD RemovalUrography-IVPJoint InjectionKN95 MasksX-Ray KneeKyphoplastyLaceration RepairLaser Hair RemovalLaser Skin TighteningGlovesLatisseLDHLeadLEEPMRV LegLesion RemovalLHLight TherapyLip ShadingLipaseLipid PanelLipidLipiflowLipoproteinPapLisinoprilLithiumLiver BiopsyLISWLumbar Facet Joint BlockLumbar RadiofrequencySpinal X-Ray (Thoracic / Lumbosacral / Cervical / Lumbar)Lumbar Transforaminal InjectionLumifyLupusLymph Node BiopsyMacuHealthMagnesiumMaganeseMaxi Vision SupplementMeasles-RubeolaMediBeadsMedical Alert DevicesMercuryMetforminMicroalbuminMicrodermabrasionMicroneedlingProstate MicrowaveMink LashesMohsMohs SurgeryMonalisaMorpheusMorphometric AnnalysisMpx TestMRI ContrastMRAMRA ArmMRA Brain/Head/CoWMRA ChestMRA LegMRA Leg/Ankle/FootMRA Neck/CarotidMRA PelvisMRA AbdomenMRA HeadMRA Upper Extremity-ArmMRA Lower Extremity-LegMRA NeckMRA SpineMRCPMRI AbdomenMRI BrainMRI BreastMRI Cervical SpineMRI Chest/Brachial PlexusMRI-Guided Prostate BiopsyMRI Lumbar SpineMRI NeckMRI Orbit/IACMRI PelvisMRI ProstateMRI Sacrum/CoccyxMRI Hand/Wrist/Elbow/ShoulderMRI Thoracic SpineMRI TMJ/MandibleMRI Body ScanMRI Bone MarrowMRI Cardiac-HeartMRI ChestMRI Joint, LowerMRI Joint, UpperMRI Lower Extremity-LegLumbar MRIMRI Orbit-Eye Socket,Face,NeckMRI ThoraxMRI TMJMRI Upper Extremity-ArmMRVMRV AnkleMRV ArmMRV Brain/Head/CoWMRV ChestMRV ElbowMRV FemurMRV FootMRV ForearmMRV HandMRV HipMRV HumerusMRV KneeMRV Leg/Ankle/FootMRV NeckMRV PelvisMRV ShoulderMRV Tibia/FibulaMRV WristMthfr TestMUGA ScanMumpsMupirocinUreaplasma-MycoplasmaNaproxenKiller CellsNebulizerNeuroma InjectionVisit - Interventional RadiologistCircumcision-NewbornNormatechNovasureNuclear Medicine-BoneNuclear Medicine-BrainNuclear Medicine BrainNuclear Medicine-CardiacNuclear Medicine-CisternogramNuclear MedicineNuclear Medicine-DoseNuclear Medicine-CeretecNuclear Medicine-NeuroliteNuclear Medicine-HIDANuclear Medicine-KinevacNuclear Medicine-Liver,SpleenNuclear Medicine-LungNuclear Medicine-MUGANuclear Medicine-KidneyNuclear Medicine-ThyroidNuclear Medicine-TumorNuclear Medicine-IndiumNuclear Medicine-EsophagusNuclear Medicine-GastricNuclear Medicine-GERDNuclear Medicine-LiverNuclear Medicine-Liver, SpleenNuclear Medicine-StressNuclear Medicine-ParathyroidNuclear Medicine-Salivary GlandNuclear Medicine-SpleenNuclear Medicine-TesticlesNutritional ConsultNutrition/WellnessPrenatal CareOccupational TherapyOcusoft SoapOmegaOrthoticsOsteoporosis ScreeningOvulation Test KitOxygen FacialPanelPap Smear Test KitPap Smear-Pathology ReadingPartial NailPathology ReadingPediatric Sports PhysicalPelvic Floor TherapyDoppler Ultrasound PenisPenile InjectionPenile ShockwavePenile Wart RemovalPersonal TrainingPETPET-BrainPET CTPET CT-Whole BodyPET-AmyvidPET-NeuraceqPET-VizamylPET-AxuminPhosphatidylserinePhysical TherapyPhysical Therapy EvaluationPillcamPlasminogenPRPPool TherapyPopliteal Artery AngioplastyPort InsertionPort RemovalPre-Surgery ClearancePregnancy Test KitPregnancy TestPRNAbcess AspirationBone Marrow AspirationRenal Cyst AspirationBreast Cyst AspirationMyelogramParacentesisProgesteroneProlactinProstate CancerProstate MarkerPSAUltrasound, Suprapubic-Prostate VolumeProteinProthrombinPsychology EvaluationPttPterygium SurgeryPthPulse OximeterPunctal PlugsRa-RheumatoidRadical Mastectomy-ModifiedRe-ConsultCentral Venous Catheter RemovalRemoval Foreign BodyRemoval of Abdominal Dialysis CatheterRemoval of Chest CatheterRemoval of Caval FilterUltrasound Kidneys and BladderUlltrasound Kidney and BladderUltrasound KidneysRepositioning Caval FilterFacial FillersRetinal TopographyRezumEKG Rythm StripSyphilis TestRubella-German MeaslesScalesScalp MicropgmentationScar CamoflageSculptra-FacialPathology Second OpinionSedimentation RateSeleniumSentinel Lymph NodeSerum FerritinSerum IronTestosterone-ShbgSickle Cell TestSimple MastectomySkin Cancer DestructionSleep TrackerSmart GlassesSmart WatchesSmart Hearing AidSpecial StainsSpeech TherapySperm AntibodiesSpirometrySTD Test KitBreast BiopsyStereotactic Breast BiopsyStrep Throat Test KitStress EchocardiogramStress EKGSkin ResurfacingSurgical MasksPathology Gross ExaminationScar RevisionSuture RemovalThyroid TestT.CruziTadalafilTelemedicineUltrasound TesticlesTestopelTestosterone TotalTherapeutic MassagePsychological TherapyThermometerThin PrepTshThyroid BiopsyThyroid Test KitUltrasound ThyroidTibial Nerve StimulationTibial/Peroneal AngioplastyPregnancy Care-C-SectionPregnancy Care-VaginalToxoplasmosis TestTransrectal Ultrasound of ProstateUltrasound VaginalTrusculptTulsaUltrasoundUltrasound - ObstetricUltrasound - PelvisUltrasound AortaUltrasound VenousUltrasound CarotidUltarsound ChestUltrasound - Extremity - CompleteUltrasound - Extremity-LimitedUltrasound Head and NeckUltrasound-Doppler Aorta/IliacUltrasound-Doppler Lower ExtremityPelvic Ultrasound-PelvisUltrasound Renal ArteryUltrasound RenalUltrasound RetroperitonealUltrasound Thyroid/ParathyroidsUltrasound-TransvaginalUltrasound TransvaginalUltrasound-Doppler Upper ExtremityUltrasound-Guided Breast BiopsyUltrasound-Guided Prostate BiospyVisit - Urgent CareUric Acid LevelUrine TestUrinalysisUrodynamicsUroflowUltrasound ChestUltrasound Arm or LegUltrasound GuidanceUltrasound HysterographyUltrasound Hips-InfantUltrasound ObstetricUltrasound PelvisUltrasopund TesticlesUltrasound SpineUltrasound-TransrectalUltrasoound-TransvaginalFibroid EmbolizationVaginal RejeuvenationBiopsy VaginaVaricella-Small PoxVasectomyVisit - Vein SpecialistVelashapeVenous AngioplastyMechanical ThrombolysisVisual FieldVitamin LevelVit D InjectionVotivaBiopsy VulvaWart FreezingWart RemovalWest Nile VirusWireless MonitoringWomen's Health TrackerWomens Wellness ExamMohs RepairWound Repair After MohsPsychology ReportX-Ray AbdomenX-Ray AC JointX-Ray AnkleX-Ray Bone AgeX-Ray Calcaneus-Heel BoneX-Ray Clavicle-Collar BoneX-Ray ElbowX-Ray Orbit-Eye SocketX-Ray Facial BonesX-Ray FemurX-Ray FingerX-Ray FootX-Ray ForearmX-Ray HandX-Ray HumerusX-Ray KUBX-Ray MandibleX-Ray MastoidsX-Ray Nasal BonesX-Ray Neck Soft TissueBone SurveyPelvis X-RayRib X-RayX-Ray Sacrum-TailboneX-Ray Scapula-Shoulder BladeX-Ray for ScoliosisShoulder X-RayX-Ray SI JointsSinus X-RayUltrasound - Extremity - LimitedSternoclavicular X-RaySternal X-Ray-Breast BoneTibia/Fibula X-RayTMJ X-RayToe X-RayX-Ray - WristX-Ray-AnkleX-Ray-Bone AgeX-Ray EyeX-Ray Facial Bones-FaceX-Ray Femur-LegX-Ray JointX-Ray Mandible-JawX-Ray Nasal Bones-NoseX-Ray-Bone SurveyX-Ray PelvisX-Ray RibsX-Ray SI JointX-Ray Sacrum-Tail BoneSkull X-RayDental X-RayWrist X-RayX-Ray AC Joints-KneeX-Ray Calcaneus-HeelX-Ray Forearm-Lower ArmX-Ray Humerus-Upper ArmX-Ray Infant-LegX-Ray NeckX-Ray Sternum-Breast BoneX-Ray TibiaX-Ray ToesX-Ray-Xray-Infant-ArmY ChromosomeLaser-FaceZikaZinc Level / TestZofranZpackLASIKCryosurgeryCleaningVisit - DentistryFillingAnnual PhysicalInjection - Family MedicineTransitional CareX-RaySTD ExamGYN ExamWork PhysicalDOT PhysicalSchool PhysicalSports PhysicalSchool and Sports PhysicalAdult physical clearancePre-op clearanceSuture/staple removalExamFlu/Mono TestStrep testCovidAbdominal labsFemale HormonesHeavy Metal ProfileLyme DiseaseMMRNicotinePSA Blood TestPT/INR TestWound CultureTB QuantiferonEar LavageBicillinPolioTDAPDTAPPPDTDWeight LossConsult