Providers offering:
Surgical scar revision

Best plastic surgeon in Florida, Dr. David J. Levens, FACS has been practicing plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in Coral Springs since 1989. His fellow physicians elected him Chief of Surgery at Coral Springs Medical Center (1999-2001) and Vice Chief of Staff (2003-2005).
Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), Dr. Levens is a member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
Plastic Surgery near Fort Lauderdale, FL
These two organizations are select national groups, whose membership requires certification by the ABPS and a strict adherence to safety and quality standards that assure the highest level of patient care in plastic and cosmetic surgery.
Dr. Levens performs the complete menu of today's most sophisticated plastic surgery procedures and treatments for the face and body. His surgical skill is coupled with extensive experience in helping patients choose precisely the right procedure or treatment for their individual situation. All surgical procedures are performed only in facilities fully-accredited for patient safety.View D. Levens, MD