How it Works






Wearables are wearable devices equipped with sensors, technology, and connectivity features that are designed to monitor, track, and collect various physiological and health-related data from individuals. These devices are worn on the body and are often integrated into everyday clothing, and accessories, or attached directly to the skin. Medical wearables are designed to provide real-time insights into an individual's health and well-being, allowing users and healthcare professionals to monitor specific metrics and make informed decisions about their health.
Baby sensors
A baby sensor is both a monitor and alarm for a baby's movements and sounds.
A biosensor is a device to detect or measure certain molecules.
Blood pressure monitors
A blood pressure monitor measures blood pressure.
EKG monitor
An electrocardiograph monitor records cardiac rhythm
Fitness tracker
A fitness tracker monitors and records measurements of fitness.
Heart monitor
A heart monitor measures and tracks cardiac rhythm.
Medical alert devices
A medical alert device is a personal emergency response system.
Pulse oximeter
A pulse oximeter measures the blood oxygen level.
Sleep tracker
A sleep tracker monitors and charts degrees of sleep.
Smart glasses
Smart glasses bring information to the wearer alongside with what is seen.