HEALTHdrum Blog

Why You Should Pay For Your CT scan

Why you should pay for all routine healthcare needs
Why You Should Pay For Your CT scan Two thirds of all the healthcare delivered in the U.S. is generally affordable routine office-based or outpatient care and doesn’t need to be covered or controlled by the health insurance industry. Doing so only inflates consumer healthcare costs significantly....

CT Scan – What it is and How much it costs

CT Scan – What it is and How much it costs What is a CT scan? CT scan or computerized tomography scan is an imaging technique that uses computers and x-rays to get detailed pictures of the body. How long does a CT take? The actual scan time is only about 15-30 minutes or so but you should plan for longer. The...

What is Pain Management?

Profiteering by overpromising and under-delivering
What is Pain Management? Pain management is a medical specialty devoted to discovering the cause of your chronic pain and offering treatment options to improve your quality of life.  Pain management physicians. Perform evaluations to diagnose the cause of your pain. Undertake imaging studies...

How Health Insurance Plans Screw Patients

Profiteering by overpromising and under-delivering
How Health Insurance Plans Screw Patients The health insurance industry is in the business of making money at your expense. They are not there to make you feel better and there’s no evidence that they improve overall health. Stop letting health insurance plans play doctor. Take control away from them with...

Why be a HEALTHdrum Provider?

Reach out and help more people
Why be a HEALTHdrum Provider? HEALTHdrum offers a unique platform for all providers in the greater healthcare arena to reach out and help more people. The rewards for doing so go way beyond receiving better margins. HEALTHdrum’s direct consumer-provider connection allows you to lower your overhead...

The Gleason 6 Prostate “Cancer”

When cancers fail to act as cancerous

Bert Vorstman BSc, MD, MS, FAAP, FRACS, FACS

The Gleason 6 Prostate “Cancer” The Gleason 6 prostate “cancer” fails to act as cancer. Despite low-power microscopic appearances suggesting a mild cancer, the very common Gleason grade 3 as in the Gleason 3+3 = 6 “cancer” fails to act like a cancer. Only some high-grade prostate cancers are...

HEALTHdrum’s Purpose

Reshaping healthcare
HEALTHdrum’s Purpose At HEALTHdrum we have a customer-led organization with a simple purpose – creating a community where anyone, anywhere can connect with routine office-based or outpatient healthcare that’s both affordable and under your control. HEALTHdrum’s purpose for...

Who’s Taking Advantage of Doctors?

Exploiting physician’s work ethic and expertise
Who’s Taking Advantage of Doctors? Those in control of the insurance-based healthcare system work off the backs of doctors and use patients as a conduit to help themselves to an endless supply of precious healthcare dollars. This pool of some $3.6 trillion healthcare dollars is filled up each year with...

How Our Medical Profession Was Hijacked

Exploiting physicians for the business of healthcare

Bert Vorstman BSc, MD, MS, FAAP, FRACS, FACS

How Our Medical Profession Was Hijacked Given the unprecedented challenges physicians face in the U.S. healthcare system, one question is tantamount: How did we allow the American Medical Association (AMA) and vote-seeking government lawmakers to hijack our profession and deliver it to the insurance...